Masaru stood at DL8OH to continue he journey towards Denmark and Sweden.
And I went home to my family after travelling through Europ for 23 days and 7000 km with Masaru.
We had a great time visiting ham radio friends and I am thankful that he gave me the possibility to travel with him. We both learnt a lot about other countries and talked a lot about the greatest hobby of the world. thank you for a great adventure and thanks to all friends who made this road trip a one of a kind holiday.

But also: shit happens. When on vacation, there was a light storm announced and someone at home wanted to do me a favor in canking down the tower. I dont know if it was because of unproper use of the winch or „just“ a broken wire. Noone was injured. the tower could be replaced by a spare tower I had bought a few years earlier. The only damage were two 40m insulators and 2 bolts in the boom. It was easy to repair it. There is one thing you can say loud about Optibeams: the arey solid as a tank, the service is great and fast. easy to repair…. and decide to build a larger tower soon 😉 see other gallery 2016…..
