at K3LR
thanks to Tim and Sandy we could spend wonderful days at their guesthouse and relax after busy Hamvention. Operating Tim K3LRs station is like set foot on the moon. You have a totally different view on conditions, material, DXabilities etc….
there is near to zero noise. Tim keeps his neighborhood QRM-free.
we used the golf cart to visit the PA visitor center on I80. I bet, we were the first ever visitors showing up there with a cart 😉 Frederik could steer it back to the house, while I took some more antenna pictures and inspected the double-four-square for 80m. If you look closely, you can see the wires of the 160m 5 element System. (center fed tower and wire directors/reflectors. A very good design, shown in the early books of ON4UN.
famous K3LR double 80m 4-Square – what an array ! you also can see the 160m 5-element-array ( 3 in line verticals)