Driving to Niagara Falls with Sandy DL1QQ/N0QQ
Visiting the Canadian Side was easy. Our Esta Visa is also valid in Canada.
They just asked us some questions. Btw.: I think, staff at the border control are usually the most unfriendly people of every country because their job requires that ;-).
Quick visit at the Hard Rock Café for a drink and loo.
then walking to Horse show falls and back again. We met „Darryl“ from Walking Dead.
Or it was a double who WANTS to look alike Darryl. He had NO crossbow BUT a helmet.. spoiler ? Cool guy, walking all by himself and partner and no one was disturbing him or begging for pictures, as long as we could see him.
To re-enter to the US, you have to pay 1 US$ bridge toll to the canadians.
Crossing the border for pedestrians is easy. Park on the US side for 10USD weekday/15USD Weendends and walk over the bridge.
All attractions around the Falls are „expensive“. Canadian Fall „walk behind the fall“ seemed too expensive for us. The boats cost a fortune ust to have a shower.
The „go behind the fall“ on the US side, is rather cheap compared to the other things….. be prepared to get wet, even with the Poncho. wear short pants and shoes that dry easily….. but it is fun.