After a 3 hours ride we arrived in Liechtenstein near Vaduz, the capital.
We met the owner of the youthhostel during our CT3 holiday and shared a table on new years eve. I promised them, that we will come one day and visit them (and occupy their roof terrace 😉
We had a very warm welcom. Tons of support and undestanding for the hobby and just a great time with them. kids were playing outside while dad could make some 2600QSOs within 3 days of operation. I had to move antennas several times due to noise. but I will be better prepeared for our future visits.
I had 8 red boex of equipment. Felt like 350kg.
We had a short visit at HB0WR up the mountains near Triesenberg.
Also talked to HB0CC and I was amazed that my last eyeball with him was 12 years ago while traveling with Masaru JA5AQC. btw. My LAST visit in HB0 was 2014, so I wasnt in HB0 for TEN years. I can not beleive that. I doesnt feel like that. Or: I feel old.
Antennas were 2 verticals and FT991 + ICom IC 7300 for shortwave and an Arrow antenna for Greencube with a IC9700. Armstrong rotor. I promise to have a Yaesu 5500 next time and more time for SAT. The mountains do not help with low elevation passes.
I made about 2600 QSOs in total.
150 QSO on greencube (Log says 171 but some dupes logged)
4 on other SAT in SSB
some 550 QSO in IARU contest in CW and maybe a few dozen in SSB (unassisted 100)
yeah, quite a number in FT, if you calculate, but I dont care if you judge me for that.
I was in HB0 more than 25 times in SSB and CW :-).
Also: i had instaleld one FT8 station and while watching the screen I could set up the second and third station. solder cables etc.. I had to rearrange my antennas a few times….