Ham radio related info and pictures

9H/DM9EE – since a few years, Malta grants CEPT operation!
FT991 100w to CG-3000 and wire vertical on the roof top
IC705 10w to an upper and outer vertical on the balcony

all bands and modes: 5841 QSOs – 85 DXCC worked
yes, its 511 CW QSOs + 100 SSB QSOs and 5230 FT8/FT4 QSOs…..
Too much FT8 for you? so, please book your flight: https://www.lufthansa.com/de/de/homepage
I don’t care if you don’t like the majority of FT8 QSOs. I’d also prefer haveing made more non -FT8 QSOs, too. Yes, I think FT8 is a heartless mode.But it’s perfect for small antennas, noisy locations and especially for familiy holidays.
And I got enough „tnx for new DXCC“ to compensate the bad feeling. 🙂
Also: many CW CQs remained unanswered. then suddenly DX showed up and made a QSO. condx were ok, but no activity. Also: beside self spots only a few manual CLuster spots. Skimmers helped a lot. If you complain about FT8 ? when was your last CW CQ?

great circle map tool from EI8IC. https://www.mapability.com/ei8ic/maps/great_circle/capital_cities/rome_italy_great_circle_map.php

below: all bands 86 countries worked

below: all 80m QSOs

below: all 60m QSOs

below: all 30m

blow: all 20m QSOs

a big thank you to the Clubs 9H1MRC and 9H1MRL who welcomend me.
You live in a great country and Maltese people are phantastic. We will come again for another holiday! We haven’t seen all yet 🙂
